Back To School Series: 10 Ways to Overcome Stage Freakouts


Over the years, I have done countless of public speaking. I would have to admit that it is never easy to do so. Especially those, like me, who are not born with natural eloquence, public speaking can be nerve-racking. I truly understand the pain of being in front of a huge crowd. 

Here are some ways that I acquire to calm my nerves: 

1. Practice. 

Many of us may already know practice makes perfect. However, every time we stand on stage to perform a speech we are always lacking of that element called Practice. It can be tough for ones with pack schedule to spare time to practice, but, it's essential if you wish to deliver a rousing presentation

Usually, I would write down my speech rather than thinking through my head. Try to practice where you will be delivering your speech, and try out different positions such as standing, sitting, walking, with open arms, cross legs and so on. I believe that if I will be able to deliver my speech across even in these positions I am more or less comfortable with my speech. 

The old school method: Record
It will be good if you are able to record your rehearsals, as listening to your recordings you will be able to spot your bad habits that you may be unaware of, and learn from your mistakes. 

2. Attend Other Speeches. 

This is the time where you can learn and get inspired on how others present their speech. You never know when you will be able to play off something the other speaker has spoke before. I first started with imitations, I imitated on how others present and slowly developed my own style of presentation. 

3. Arrive Early.

It's normal for us to get nervous before the presentation, therefore, there is always a need for us to arrive early. This extra time will gives you enough time to chill yourself down and adapt to the surrounding before you get on stage! 

4. Adjust To Your Surroundings.

Many of us would have forgotten that its very important for us. If you get comfy with your surroundings, you will get comfy during your presentations. 

If you have the chance to do a run through, good for you. During the rehearsal, look out for the lightings, you wouldn't want lights shining into your eyes, or the microphones

Lastly, look out for the seating arraignments and be aware of possible distractions

5. Take in Deep Deep Breaths.

The reason why we tends to shiver or quiver during our speech is mainly due to the lack of oxygen. I will skip all the scientific part, such as the adrenaline and so on. The moral of the story is get oxygen to your brain and relaxes your body. COOL! 

6. Put On a Big Big Smile! 

Anxiety can be reduces by increasing our endorphins. The only way to do it, is to smile! Smiling not only calm yourself down it also exhibits confidence and enthusiasm to the crowd. However, never over do it. 

7. Exercise. 

Is it too much to ask you to exercise in the day prior to your presentation? I got the feeling I will be engulfed in rotten eggs. However, I do have my point. Exercise is a pre-peperation for you presentation, because exercise increases your endorphins too!

8. Give Your Speech Some Pauses! 

It is definitely a common thing for us to rush through our speeches. I feel you, it's difficult to stand on stage. However, my experience told me that, rushing will not do any good to you. By rushing through your speech, you get even more nervous. Not only that, it portrays an unconfident look on you. I don't think anyone wish to be label as unconfident, do you?

So, don't be afraid to slow down or even pause between your speech. Some times these pauses can be used to emphasise certain points and better illustrate your message across.

9. Drink Water.

The common symptoms anxiety can bring is dry mouth. Dry mouth can results to tongue tight during presentation. In order to prevent such symptoms is to hydrate your mouth by drinking pure water! It has to be pure water!

10. Meet and Greet. 

This tip may come into handy if you were to give a speech in publics rather than for school presentation. By chatting and understand your audience can give you extra points. They may give you  some inspiration to weave into your speech and makes you seems more likeable and approachable too! 

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