Singapore Chinese Film Festival 新加坡華語電影節——To My Dear Granny 親愛的奶奶

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This week was the first week of test screenings, and things are getting more pumped up after the screen. I can feel my blood gushing through my vessels. AHAHA, I sounded as if I am writing a descriptive essay. But I would say that films and descriptive essay are somewhat similar, don't you think so? 

The essence of a good film is the very detailed description that the film has. Similar to writing a descriptive essay, a detailed descriptions like the way characters spoke, the angle, the lighting, are the elements to touch people's heart. 


讓人熱血沸騰的就是Test Screening 從這個禮拜開始播放了哦。真讓人興奮啊!我認為,電影的精髓在於拍攝時的精準和細膩才能夠感觸到人們的心,你們認為呢?

To My Dear Granny 親愛的奶奶

Awesome films like To My Dear Granny is definitely a MUST WATCH during SCFF.  Based on the autobiographical story of acclaimed TV Drama director Chu Yu-Ning. If you love the Taiwan Drama , In Time With You, then I am pretty sure you will love To My Dear Granny

In To My Dear Granny, it totally tells us that we shouldn't neglect certain thing in our life, even if it is minuet or insignificant. In fact, it's these little thing that add on to the big change that we have today. 
To My Dear Granny is Ah Da’s father is gone. So a mother has lost her son, a woman lost her husband and A-da lost his idol. Life goes on, but each of them keeps his own secrets. A-da’s granny is a victim of a fraud but she refuses to go to the police as she is too proud and stubborn. Meanwhile, A-da gets into big trouble and needs a great amount of money. Based on the autobiographical story of acclaimed TV Drama director Chu Yu-Ning, the film can also be seen as a personal diary and an ode to his grandmother and his family.



Director 導演:Chu Yu-Ning 瞿友寧
Cast 主演:Chang Hsiu Yun 張岫雲, Lin Mei Hsiu 林美秀, Lawrence Ko 柯宇綸, Li Qian Na 李千娜,Yang Li Chou 楊力州
* Nominated for Best Supporting Actress- Lin Mei Hsiu,50th Golden Horse Awards
 Nominated for Best Original Screenplay,50th Golden Horse Awards

Taiwan 台灣 || 2013 || 117分鐘 || M18(Sexual Scenes 含有新相關畫面)

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