Singapore Chinese Film Festival 新加坡華語電影節——The Next Life 活着

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*Disclaimer: My brain is not working today after a tedious workout, please forgive me for any sentence structure problem. Thank you for your understanding. 

Yes. Zelene is fatigue and have sore everywhere, but she is very very awesome. Despite all the tiredness and soreness, she insisted to keep on updating on more awesome films, in order not to disappoint her readers! I very nice right! okay!  

In todai's test screening we have this film being played. It's not possible that SCFF is gonna release all the lovey dovey stories, and family ties stuff, so there is a variety. Don't get disappointed after what I have said next k! Cos SCFF is never gonna disappoint you. In fact this time round, I am gonna share film that has a documentary vision. Sounds boring, legit and "chimology". Well, it not something that boring lah. Let me reason it out why you should watch documentary vision films.

1. You get to see things from a different perspective,
2. Documentary films are educational, you get to learn the history.
3. Make you feel atas (High Class). 
4. You walk through the past without having yourself going through it. 

So stop thinking that documentary films are boring and are kinda legit and "what are they talking about?". In fact you are wrong, many times we don't understand a documentary film is due to our thinking, We are too narrow minded, at times we have to let our views change, meaning, change in manner where we get to think like the people of that era. 

Let me give you an example, you Les Miserable, is actually a mutated? (should i use this word?) way of chaining a history to a story. The incident that happened in Les Miserable does exist during era. But Les Miserable is nice isn't it? So throw away all your perception against documentary films okay! 


雖然現在的寒非常的困,但我捨不得看到讀者們那失落的表情,寒不惜疲累也要將電影簡介寫出來。^^ 寒很好對吧!

前面介紹的電影都是比較帶由華夏風情的味道,但是電影節怎能只有播放一種類型的電影呢?太不人道了! 所日善解人意的電影節主辦單位也會播放含有紀錄片味道的影片。可是,千萬別因為“紀錄片”這三個字而感到失落。 我們往往將紀錄片和乏味、沈悶的形容詞連關在一起,導致現在很多朋友都對紀錄片產生裡一種 “討厭”的心態。其實,並不是每一部含有紀錄片風味的影片都是那麼的沈悶,那麼的枯燥。讓寒來告你我們應該觀看紀錄片的原因吧!

2. 紀錄片也是一種教育片,從播放的紀錄片我們能學習到當中的理論和當試發生的事。
3. 雖然這個比較膚淺,但是觀看記錄片的人會讓其他人覺得你有文采。
4. 在觀看紀錄片的過程當中,我們能通過影片明白並且猶如自己也經歷過了在那個時候發生的事情。


The Next Life 活着

I don't think anyone hasn't heard of this terrible Earthquake that happened back then in 2008 in Sichuan that took away many lives. If you haven't then let me brief you slightly on what happened then. And a kind reminder for you, please read more newspapers. 

This earthquake happened in 2008 when China was the holding spot for the olympics, and much unfortunately things happened during that year. That Earthquake was said to have a magnitude of 8.0, which resulted to many house to collapsed due to the high intensity of shaking. The main reason why this earthquake took so many lives away is due to the aftermath. Most of the time the main earthquake itself is not that terrible, but it was the aftermath that make lives vulnerable. After the main earthquake that happened in Sichuan there are many aftermath that occurred and some has even a magnitude of 6.0. This has made already collapsed building into small pieces, which may leads to death of alive people who may be trapped in these collapsed buildings. 

And The Next Life, is base on this true incident of Sichuan Earthquake in 2008. In this film a mother -Ye Hongmei and her friends' different fate of having a new baby. Refusing to come to terms with the reality that her 8 year old daughter was killed, the 40-year-old Hongmei started her second IVF treatment to get pregnant. She believes that giving birth to another girl would mean the return of her gone daughter. She has to endure extraordinary pain such as traveling 50 miles every day just to receive injections and blood tests.

溫州大地震奪走了上萬條生命,女學生為了救自己的同學被困坍塌的學校當中。這些新聞標題應該一點都不陌生吧?在2008中國在舉辦奧運會的同時卻連連發生了不幸的事情,而溫州大地震是其中一列。當時這件事轟動了全球,但若你還不曉得此時,那麼寒在此建議您多看新聞哦! 為了讓大家都更瞭解《活著》的故事,讓寒來說說溫州大地震所發生的事情吧! 

葉紅梅和祝俊生是汶川地震中倖存的一對夫妻,不幸的是,他們8歲的女兒在這場大地震中遇難。像葉紅梅夫婦一樣的家庭還有很多,2009年他們大多住在臨時板房區等待家園重建,同時也希望能再次生育一個孩子,讓死去的那個生命"輪迴"到新生命中。葉紅梅已經40歲,她卻依然放棄領養而選擇了試管嬰兒受孕,這條再次孕育的路卻十分不順利。葉紅梅的身體有些吃不消,不菲的營養費也讓這個剛經歷過災難的家庭感到吃力。丈夫祝俊生卻一直堅定的想要再生一個女兒,自從女兒遇難後他的內心一直為沒能救出女兒而內疚不已,他渴望救贖。想要知道新生命是否由如願以償的降臨嗎? 那麼就記得來觀看新加坡華語電影節的《活著》哦! 

Director 導演:Fan Jian 範儉
      Jury Prize Guangzhou International Documentary Festival.
In Competition International Documentary Festival Amsterdam.

China 中國 || 2011 || 81分鐘 || PG13

Showing on 19APRIL, 2P.M. at The Arts House Screening Room ! YOU CAN GET The Next Life TICKETS HERE!趕快點擊購買門票吧!我們不見不散哦!《活著》將會在4月19日的2點在舊國會大廈藝術之家放映哦。

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